No A.I. Images !

The last two years have been one of the worst in regards of my personal art-journey.
Not that I already had to struggle with an “artist-block”, and mountains of inner doubts,
but also the rise of arteficial generated images pushed me near the boarder of an “art-depression”.

It just feels… not an encouraging time to start a little “art-career” – whatever that means – and connect to
people on a genuine basis.

And thats not to say, that I myself am not impressed by some of the outputs and the possibilities of A.I.
But after testing midjourney for about half a year, my inner landscape and my inner mood started to wither
more and more…

Allthough the output is really amazing and the beauty of A.I. images is undenieable – it just felt “wrong” to me.
Is this what I want ?
Do I want to be a “prompter” – leaving the very creating-process up to a machine, a pre-coded and pre defined
processes ?

What are 50+ beautifull images worth, at the end of the day, if I myself feel empty when I go to bed ?

Its tempting – because with this tool, anybody is able to “let create” images, more consistent in style, more “beautifull” and a myriad times faster then I will be ever able to paint…

It is tempting – to just prompt “a beautifull girl” instead of struggeling day to day with learning anatomy – with facing the very own, personal incompetence in every image…

But… but… is this who I want to be ?
Someone who is frightend about his own inability to draw and paint ? Someone who flees his own imperfection, into a
pre-defined subscription model of midjourney ?


So I say no to A.I. art.
If I have to choos autenticity and personal connection to my art over perfectionism… fuck perfectionism.

A.I. Art is not “bad” – but its not “MY-ART”…



Oracleia – ready for consulting

I finally managed to upload the whole corpus of 144 Muses to the Oracleia now.
At this stage it can already be used as an Oracle.

The whole poject is far from finished ( if, due to its “network-character”, it ever reaches a point that is to be considered “finished” ), but at least it is at a stage now, where a attentive consulter should get a decent answer, and hopefully help from the consultation.

I will update more and more links, especially notes and thoughts, connected to the Muses in the next time.

You can try it here.

Feedback is highly appreciated.

I will also turn more to the visual side of things now, as well as creating another provisory deck, for personal consultation.
It is the 4. version of this deck that I have now created over the course of the last years, but I am getting seriously closer to where I feel I want to go to.

Unfortunately, because I have only painted a very small fraction of Muses myself, and completing all 144 Muses in paintings will take me a veeeerrry decent amount of time – this deck consists of a lot of pictures of desired artists from me,
and is due to copyright reasons only for own personal usage.

Here are some cards, with paintings by myself…

( klick on the images to read the Muse in the Oracleia )

The cavern…

Painted with procreate.
This is one of the first landscape-scenes I painted that is more reddish and warm toned.
A cozy place… what creatures would live in such an enviroment ?

Know yourself…

She who knows herself.

The Toji – gateway between two worlds – the waking world – the dream world, the spirit realm. The moon.
The waking world – Eve – an island in the eternal coiling sea of the dreamworld – Tiamat –
While Eve obeys to mans demand – the spirit of Lilith does not.
She does not fear her own desires – she knows herself.

Bound in the state between the worlds – the hypnagogic state.

Unable to move – sleepparalysis.

She enter the abbyss… for sho does not fear her own desire.

She is becoming lucid withing the waking – and the dreaming world, like the fullmoon.

Know thyself.

Explore the Oracleia – “She who knows herself”

Sigil Magic – Creating a magical Sigil, inspired by chinese Sigils

My sigil-method…

Sigil Magick is a visual form of magic.

It´s a encoding of a desire or a wish that is not readable to the intelectual mind, thus it can not be subject of the critical mind.

The idea behind sigil magick is quite simple.

Name a wish or a desire you would like to have fullfilled, and write it down.

There are a few things that should be considered here: first – remember to be responsable for your wishes. No one else is. Consider well if you would like experience desired reality.

Second: Wishes, as well as affirmations should always be written from the perspective of the wish already fulfilled – that is in a positive formulation and in the presence:

” I want to become lucid within my dreams” turns to ” I AM lucid within my dreams”

From this sentence wich could be used as a simple affirmation at this point, the sigil magick starts with encrypting the desire. The reason for this is, that whenever you see this desire written in front of you, or you speak it out loud, it can be understand by, and thus be subject of the critical mind.

If you say to yourself ” I am lucid within my dreams” you inner critic might turn on this phrase and tell you that you have not been lucid in the past, that you dont have the thing it takes to become lucid within your dreams, and that it is a futile wish to have. It might also kick in some fears, that you might experience unknown and strange things, or that you might get caught up in the dreamworld – fears that can be very far of the reality, but they fullfill their function to hinder yourself to put a step into the unknown and to experience your desires.

The way sigil magick deals with thi is the encryption of the desire that comes in multiple steps.

The first one would be to reduce the sentence to its single letters:


This combination of letters, now is a first encryption, but the rational mind that is also very good in finding patterns will have not a big hurdle to understand and read the meaning behind it.

So we dissolve the symbols of the letters and transform the sentence into another symbolic language:

There are different methods for this, and I will explain my own here:

In this method we will create a “Key” for the encryption. This key can be done by youself, following this instructions:

Create a matrix of dots, in a square of 4 x 4 dots, and another one of 3×3 Dots within this one – so you end with a isometric pattern like this:

This is the basic structure for the key.

To make it a useable key you will need to asign one letter of the alphabet to each dot.

It does not matter how you asign them, but make sure it is somewhat chaotic and not with a certain “rule” like the alphabet backwards or something similar…

For this pattern there is one dot missing for one letter – choose to leave out the latter that is used the most seldom in your language that you have formulated the wish in. In my example and as my mother language is german, I will leave out the “Q” wich is a very seldom letter in german and that can be represented otherwise, for example as “kw”.

The ready “key” looks something like this:

We can now use this key for the further encryption of our desire / wish, by encircle the dots that are asigned with the letters in our pre encrypted desire:


Which, without the letters looks like this for the key above:

At this stage, I remove the letters, so the rational mind can not remember the exact key easily. You can do this by eighter erasing the letters, transfering the encrypted desire to another grid without letters, or if you use a digital drawing device like I am, you can easily blend out the layer of the letters. Just make sure you keep the letters in a save place where you find them when you want to decrypt the sigil in future.

The next step is to create a form that is readable for the eyes. I do this by conecting the dots.

Although this can be done freely, I personally like to stick to some rules for doing this:

Keep it as simple bot not too simple. The useage of those sigils lies within the magical work.
So the sigil should be workable with, that means:

It should encrypt the desire, and thus should not be too simple as a form.
But you also might want to do magical work with it, so it should be simple enought that you are able to visualize the sigil ( eg. with eyes closed )

So there is a golden line to walk here.

Second rule: I create ONE connected structure. ( You will see below, why this is important )

Third rule is I try to touch as little non-appering dots as possible, and only if they are on one line between two appearing dots.

Remember: This is my process – you might want to invent your own rules here…

This is the result of the rules above:

Now we could stop here and use the form as it is.
However, the magical atmosphere and thus the power we asociate with this sigil will increase if we also pour in some dedication when it comes to aesthetics.

Since I am heavily inspired by chinese sigels and signs, I try to get closer to the traditional chinese look.

I achieve this with with a typical double-border, that old carved chinese sigils tend to have.

Then I fill all the negative space from the border into the sigil-structure.

I dont touch the Sigil with this border, but I fill up all the negative space, creating a “maze-like” effect that I really love for magical work.

Filling up the sigils negative space balances it out and also ads additional information to it and increses its decoding.

In this example I came up with this – please note how the outer frame does not touch the inner frame, and the filling forms only touch the inner frame and belong to it, but not the sigil-structure or the outer frame.

This sigil is now a vesel for the desire encrypted in and is used in meditation or magical rituals to represent the desire it contains.

For a explanation on how to work with this sigils, follw me on…